Sarah Chen - global investment professional, Malaysia co-founder of lean in Malaysia, board member of 131, co-founder and managing partner of beyond the billion (Washington DC)

Ep 23: Sarah Chen (Co-Founder of Lean in Malaysia & Beyond the Billion)

Sarah Chen is:

A global investment professional – Sarah invests in and builds businesses, having led an American franchise business, pioneered the rollout of a corporate venture capital unit within a $13BN Asian conglomerate, investing into late-stage biotech startups. Today, she is Co-Founder & Managing Partner of The Billion Dollar Fund for Women, a global consortium of venture capital funds that have now pledged beyond US$1Bn to be invested into women-founded companies; now known as Beyond The Billion. Specifically, she works with limited partner investors to diversify their portfolio through venture as a returns strategy.

Passionate about getting more women into leadership, she sits on multiple boards including 131 & counting, a bipartisan effort to fete the unprecedented number of women serving in the House and Senate, to encourage more women to run for office in the United States; and Lean In Malaysia, which she co-founded, recognized as the voice of credibility for professional women issues in Malaysia, boasting beyond 5,000 women within the network, bringing women back into the workforce, accelerating women into leadership positions.

Named World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and Forbes 30 Under 30, she is a recognized speaker, commentator and advisor on venture capital, innovation and women, having been featured amongst others on Der Spiegel, the Wall Street Journal and Forbes. Sarah is a compelling speaker and moderator, moderating challenging topics with Ministers, Senators and other senior corporate leaders, inspiring global audiences at the World Affairs Council America (DC), the Financial Alliance for Women Annual Summit (Paris), the World Bank THK Blended Finance Forum (Bali), the Asia PE-VC Summit (Singapore), Forbes Under 30 Summit (Hong Kong) et al. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Laws, LL.B (Hons.) from King’s College London. A proud Malaysian, she spends her time between US- Asia.

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